Saturday, June 14, 2014

Imaginism Workshop Day 19: Ten Pounds of Poutine

The last few days here in the Imaginism Workshop have been rough. I've averaged about 3-4 hours of sleep a night, and I have been getting more than the other 3 students by far. I'm not sure how they're still alive. It's also been raining relentlessly. So much so, that Franklin's stump is now completely under water.


No worries, though. I have it on good authority that Franklin has killer home insurance.

Other than emotionally debilitating rain and sleep deprivation, the other students and I have been kept alive by healthy diet of coffee and poutine.

Power food.
If you you haven't heard of poutine, don't be ashamed. I wasn't fully aware of it's magical properties until I came here myself. It's basically french fries with a ton of cheese and then drenched in gravy. It's absolutely terrible for you, but it makes you feel better about yourself,  paradoxically. This is because you realize that if you haven't ever eaten poutine up until this point in your life, then you've actually been eating healthily the whole time. Savvy?

After a marathon 6 hour critique, we all went to the Canadian version of Denny's. I got a medium poutine which weighed about 10 pounds. I though this whole time that portion sizes were out of wack in the States, but boy was I mistaken!

So, we ate our 4.5 kg of poutine and went back home to paint revisions.

I'm really excited for this character. I think he's going in the portfolio soon.

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