Sunday, June 8, 2014

Imaginism Workshop Day 13: Painting Prisms, Suicide Girls, and Being Fancy

Today was our first day off this week. Since Diana went back to Mexico, I haven't been working as hard learning to draw women. It was astoundingly nice out and I happened across Thierry's copy of Suicide Girls Art Book. SO, I spent my morning drawing women and working on my tan. I was unsuccessful on the tanning front.

If you haven't heard, Suicide Girls isn't what it sounds like.
It's a collection of high quality images of alternatively beautiful
women who happen to be scantly clad.....or not clad at all.

I'm making an effort to use T's Box head method with these rather than falling back on my old habits. It doesn't feel quite natural yet, but it's slowly becoming easier.

Also, one of the comic publishing companies that I met at Comic Con emailed me looking for inkers! So, I spent time working on inking samples.

I forgot to mention that the Imaginism Workshop got a 6th member. Hi name is Franklin. He's a Duck
Franklin lives on a submerged stump on the lake.

Lastly, T's friends came over. We drank fancy wine and ate fancy cheese on fancy bread. Because, here at Imaginism, we're nothing if not fancy.

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