Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Imaginism Workshop- Day 2

Today was our last day with Bobby and Kei at the workshop house in Montreal, so we made the most of it.

The first 4 hrs of our day was spent learning about the business of art, running a studio and stories successful artists. Basically they all boil down to the same thing.  Work hard. Work really really hard. And, never burn bridges. Karma is a bitch.

We spent the second half of the day learning foundations. We started with thinking structurally, and then lighting. Bobby then taught an easy way to think about drapery and what it says about the structure under it. Lastly, we put the two together by lighting drapery.

Unfortunately, there isn~t  much to show you guys for today, but we did go to a fantastically tacky restaurant for a farewell dinner. We ate in an ice cave!

Ice Cave!

With a fountain!

The Tables were mirrors

I discovered poutine. We need to bring this to the states.

Tao's desert

Paul bought us all ice cream with fireworks.

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