Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Imaginism Workshop Day 1

Today. Bobby gave an awesome 3 hr talk covering the history, present status, and future of the art industry, as well as strategies for going viral.

Afterwards, we started learning photoshop. None of us here are photoshop experts, so this was a very valueable lesson. The instruction was very intuitive and easy to follow.

Personally, I~ve always been intimidated by the program because of the steep learning curve. I~ve always used Sketchbook Pro in the past. I~m really excited about how quickly I~m picking up the tool.

The first lesson was to take this image of an elephant that was provided for us, then use color grabbing and the hard round brush to add wrinkles.

The Given Image

I~ve made him wrinkly
Next, Bobby Demo~d panting a face and his approach to making an under painting. We all painted an old man.


This is my very first painting in photoshop

This is Bobby~s  Painting.

At the end of the day, Bobby Chiu, Kei Acedera, and Thierry LaFontaine took as all out to see The New X-Men Movie in Montreal. Talk about a great day!

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