Sunday, March 30, 2014

Life Drawing at Mighty-Good 3/29/14

Here are my Saturday life drawings at Mighty-Good Coffee. It took a month or so, but I've finally found the best place to sit for optimal lurking.

Thank goodness for hipsters with interesting glasses and denim jackets. They're just plain fun to draw. However, his hand was so bad that I've decided to do an intense hand study for a couple of months. (I'll do a separate post on that though).

These are both of the same guy. He must have been working on his thesis, because he was clearly hating life. After drawing him the first time, I was thinking about his eyes. They're a decent short hand, and I don't think that they look bad. However, they're very similar to all of the eyes that I've been doing when drawing from life lately. My subject clearly wasn't leaving anytime soon so I drew him again. This time, I wanted to try using a different type of eye that was more expressive. I don't think it's enough for me to draw a picture of a person that doesn't look bad anymore. I need to start adding feeling and story.

On a side note, I do him a great disservice. He didn't have man-boobs like this in real life. They were the result of an errant mark that I made and liked when I was doing the initial pencil sketch. Sorry moob-man. 

That's it for now. Hand studies and more Spreepo stuff coming soon.
DC, signing off.

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