Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gesture Drawing Week 4: Space/ Depth

The fourth week of the Gesture Drawing Course is entitled space, but perhaps depth is a more appropriate title. The goal of this lecture is use depth and perspective cues to hint that our gestures  drawing occupy volume in 3 dimensions.

Conveniently, the human body is more or less symmetrical and has a lot of pairs. A pair of eyes, a pair of hands, a pair of feet etc. In this section we position these pairs to show depth. The most emphasized  method in the lecture is to pay attention to the spots on contact between the body and the ground.
Here's an example.
Here's an illustration on Pinocchio  which happened to be my desktop background. Notice how the foot on the left is smaller and placed rearward with respect to the foot on the right. This creates a sense of depth that lends the drawing more believability.   The eye on the left is also smaller than the on on the right. This reinforces the idea that his head is turned and the left eye is farther away from the viewer than the right.

The homework was to do an hour or cafe drawing practicing this idea, and another our doing the same thing with the non-dominant hand.

I don't really understand why, but Louis seemed to compliment my left hand drawing more than my right.

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