Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mighty Good Sketching 4/26/14: Control those line weights!

This week I had one simple goal, control my line weights. Here's why.

I drew this guy last week and loved it instantly. I liked the shapes. I liked the flow. I liked the expression. Then I totally screwed up the inking. The more I tried to fix, the more it got away from me. When all the dust cleared, it was mess. After I finish the personal project that I'm doing now, I'll revisit this sketch and ink it correctly.

I broke several rules of sketching people with my drawings this week, but I was more delicate with my line weights (with and exception or two). So, I'll call today a success.

This guys is a bit boring. One of my goals for next week is to introduce a story for each drawing.

Shame on you Dave. Never draw just a bust!

I love this guys hair. It was everywhere, suddenly......all at once.

Also, T minus 4 weeks and counting until I'm off to Montreal for the Schoolism Live Workshop!

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