Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mighty Good Sketching 4/26/14: Control those line weights!

This week I had one simple goal, control my line weights. Here's why.

I drew this guy last week and loved it instantly. I liked the shapes. I liked the flow. I liked the expression. Then I totally screwed up the inking. The more I tried to fix, the more it got away from me. When all the dust cleared, it was mess. After I finish the personal project that I'm doing now, I'll revisit this sketch and ink it correctly.

I broke several rules of sketching people with my drawings this week, but I was more delicate with my line weights (with and exception or two). So, I'll call today a success.

This guys is a bit boring. One of my goals for next week is to introduce a story for each drawing.

Shame on you Dave. Never draw just a bust!

I love this guys hair. It was everywhere, suddenly......all at once.

Also, T minus 4 weeks and counting until I'm off to Montreal for the Schoolism Live Workshop!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

Helpful Resources

In this technological age, it seems that well all collect a little horde of blogs, videos, and websites. Here are a handful of mine.

Schoolism: Inspirational interviews with industry professionals, online schools and the chiu-stream

Chris Oatley's ArtCast: philosophy, tutorials, interviews, and cheerful ramblings.

Paper Wings Podcast: philosophy, tutorials, and interviews. (All focusing on comics and the creation there of.)

Adventures in design: The business of print making.

Writing excuses: 15 minutes podcasts that cover everything you need to know to become a storyteller.

Write about Dragons: Brandon Sanderson's Creative Writing college course, online......for free!!

Muddy Colors: Artists and Art Directors talk about things you didn't know that you've needed know until after you've read the blog.

Skottie Young's Blog: Because it updates all the time, and everything in it is awesome.

The Self Absorbing Man (AKA Paolo Rivera's Blog): Tons of Great comic book related tutorials.

Proko: A fantastic resource for understanding the human figure. There is a ton on content here!!!

Figure and Gesture Drawing: A free site for practicing hands and Feet. (Thanks DemonJack, this site rocks!)

Tutorial for scanning line art

FZD School: A fantastic youtube channel for digital artists. There is a mindblowing amount of content on this channel. Like, put off art school for a year and work through these episodes. (Don't quote me on that)

Mark's Drawing Tutorials: This first video on the basics and understanding 3D geometry in terms of elipses is great. It will make your life easier.The other stuff is great too.

Will Terrell's Blog and Youtube Channel: Life philosophy, and the most cheerful voice you will every find. I listen to this guy just to get into a happier mood.

Stephen Silver's Youtube channel: How and why to tell your clients to PAY YOU!

I have many many more, but I don't want to give you an information overload.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mighty Good Sketching! 4/12/14

As always, here are my life sketches from this weeks session at mighty good.

When I started doing this, it was a struggle to get out there. It seemed like there were a million other more important things to do on a Saturday morning than "doodle" some people at a random cafe. However, it's become one of the highlights of my week over the past two months. 

I've been tossing the idea around in my head, and I'd like to start getting a consistent sketch group together. I've gained a significant increase in confidence by making this my ritual, and I'd love to share the experience. So, here's the official call to action. If you like to draw, eat delicious scones, or creep on total strangers, come join me at Mighty Good coffee from 10 am -Noon on Saturdays. Let's make this a thing. 

This guys computer was way too small for him. 

I've noticed that most of the people that I get to draw have really tired/ drawn/ stressed out expressions. This guy caught my eye. I don't know what he was reading, but he was tickled pink.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mighty Good Sketching 4/5/14

My apologies for the late update everyone!

Here are my sketches from this week's life drawing at mighty good. Nothing too special happened this session. Though, I did try a cinnamon scone instead of a cherry one. That was earth shattering in it's own way. Though, I suspect less interesting to you.

This guy was a bit strange. He sat like this with that sneer for 10 minutes. I don't know why, but I think he has the tortured soul of a true artist. Or a broken arm......and no health insurance. 

This second sketch might not seem like a big deal, but it was a major milestone for me. This is a regular that I see every week, and every week I try to draw him. This is the very first time that I feel that I've successfully captured his character. I have dubbed him turtle man in my head.

Secondly, Noah Bradley put out the first lecture of his art camp class on youtube for free. It clocks in at a whopping 2.5 hours and is well worth the time it takes to watch it!