Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A slight shift in our programming schedule

My job has shifted yet again, I'll be busy working on that new fangled aluminum truck that has everyone up in arms. In the next few weeks, I'll be required to start working 12 to 14 hour days, and even com in on the weekends.  Because of the constriction on my time, I've elected to halt my schoolism exercises until I can be certain that I can devote the enough time to make them worth the price.

The next class on my list is going to be intro to digital painting with Andrew Hou. However I stumbled across and equally useful course from a different organization, anatomy for artists with Scott Eaton. I encourage you to look him up. The prices are about the same as schoolisms'.

However, I'm not going dormant for the next few months. Far from it. I've been selected to go to the one month workshop With Thierry "T-Bear" Lafontaine at Imaginism studios' Montreal location in May! From here on out, I'll be documenting my preparation for this once in a life time opportunity. 

My own studio, ThoughtWell, will be launching our new website and digital store come May 16th. I'll be sharing my progress of creating content and my thoughts on the whole thing.

Recently, I've been experimenting inking with different brushes. Here are some samples of my pencils and inks based on Dragonball (still one of my favorite comics).

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